Ideas for Movie Plots

If you need to be told what to think about these…hoo boy.

Note: if you are a Hollywood screenwriter or producer, you may use any of these ideas for free, so long as you subscribe to this blog and credit me publicly any time anyone asks you where the idea came from. Money would be great too.

Without further ado, here are some ideas for movie plots.

  • white orphan child has super powers, learns meaning of courage and friendship by fighting evil

  • white male detective solves murders of sexy women

  • Jewish man worries about stuff

  • white man gains superpowers, grudgingly accepts

  • white man gains love of beautiful woman, grudgingly accepts

  • white man gains friendship of other white man, grudgingly accepts (also has wife/girlfriend, hot but mostly offscreen so we know he's fun and not gay)

  • white man gains risk free opportunity to help brown person, grudgingly accepts

  • white man forced to join brown* people, brown people grudgingly accept him due to generous spirit and need to fight evil white men with whom white man formerly belonged, white man grudgingly semi-overcomes racist instincts due to heart, white man becomes better at brown people stuff than brown people, white man leads brown people to victory over white people because they have heart

*other colors as needed

  • life sucks for black people

  • REVENGE!!!

  • white man fights his way through henchmen to boss (possibly using orphan boy powers)

  • British people (white ones) wear costumes, have accents, stand on principle

  • JAPAN EDITION: creepily fetishized "innocent" child enters spirit realm, espouses environmentalist/pacifist philosophy

  • white man gets punched in face a lot but wins boxing match against black man because he has heart

  • white male criminals and 70s rock music

  • white man has talent, does bad things with it, abuses substances, has sad wife, represents America

  • people in Hollywood be crazy

  • aliens/artificial intelligence attack with superior technology, white man beats them because he has heart

  • white man really good at his job

  • white man surpasses expectations

  • aliens enjoy recreation with creepily fetishized "innocent" children, thus teaching white adults what truly matters in life

  • jaded film director's homage to all-white films of his youth 

  • white woman with dream job has problems solved by white man, almost loses him, gets him back

  • white men talk to each other about important things 

  • the holocaust was very serious

  • white American men win world war 2 because they have heart

  • Vietnam/Iraq wars suck for white American men, causing loss of heart

  • life sucks for gay white men, but they still have fun

  • this is what politics is really like, people

  • everything will be great once the right white man loves you

  • attack with beams of pure energy!

  • white actor wears disfiguring makeup to look disabled but it's not blackface and totally brave 

  • same old shit